Intro : nail ninja star made with only nails and tape!
This is a ninja star made with only nails and tape. No more cutting metal! This is my first instructable, so be kind.
First Step : gathering materials
you will need:
tape, preferably electrical
nails, about 3 inches long. i happened to find some nail gun nails on the side of the road.
tape, preferably electrical
nails, about 3 inches long. i happened to find some nail gun nails on the side of the road.
Step 2 : arrangment
arrange the nails as shown
Step 3 : taping
tape them together as shown. then repeat steps two and three to make another one.
Step 4 : taping part two
put one on top of the other and tape them together in a crisscross pattern.
Last Step : throwing
A light tensing of the fingers and wrists at the moment of release will create the proper feel for a straight and accurate throw. Work on developing the feeling that the blade seems to slip out of your hand by itself, rather than the feeling of flinging or slamming the shuriken into the target with the muscles of the arm... ...The most common mistake encountered in shuriken practice throwing is the use of flinging arm and a solid stance to project the missiles at their target. As the arm fans out horizontally across the midsection, the hand must release the blade at precisely the correct degree of the flat arc, with just the right timing, when throwing in the this manner.
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