Intro : How To Make The Raven Paper Airplane
The Raven paper airplane is a fast, stable dart that can easily cruise the classroom. With 5 points to sit upon at rest. It is a very cool looking plane as well, with its ventral canard fins and dagger shape.
TAA USAF Designation: A38-1
TAA USAF Designation: A38-1
First Step : Materials
1 Piece of 8.5 in by 11 in. paper (A4)
1 Piece of 8.5 in by 11 in. paper (A4)
Step 2 : Begin Folding
Fold your paper in half length-wise. Then fold the corners in. After this, fold the corners down along their edge. Repeat that action along its diagonal line.
Step 3 : Security Fold Preparation
Open your folds and it should appear as pictured. Fold the paper into itself so you can later make the security fold. Fold as pictured (it's kind of hard to explain).
Step 4 : Fold The Wings
From each of the joints in the paper, fold down the wing along the wing root.
Step 5 : Security Fold
Fold the triangle down over the wing root. Then fold the security fold down the center and over the wings after that, fold it down. Then fold the paper around the wing, it should be repeated then folded into the nose. Then taped together and to the fuselage.
Step 6 : Fold The Ventral Fins
First, fold the nose's ventral fins. Fold the nose into itself putting the point of the nose in between the layers of paper. Fold the paper down parallel to the wings. Then tape the flap down.
t, fold the nose's ventral fins. Fold the nose into itself� of the nose in between the layers of paper. Then tape�t;
Step 7 : Fold The Winglets
Fold the winglets up at the size that the fuselage is. After you repeat this on the other wing, fold them down. Then unfold them so they are perpendicular to the wing. They should now be below the wing and parallel to the fuselage.

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