Intro : How To Make The Charger Paper Airplane
A stunt plane flying fast and far, the Charger is a quite impressive dart paper airplane. Being related to the highly successful Hammerhead ( ), the Charger is a plane with a proven design--differing from its relative in only a few folds.
TAA USAF Designation: F192-1
TAA USAF Designation: F192-1
First Step : Materials
1 Piece of 8.5 by 8.5 inch paper
Scissors (modifications only)
1 Piece of 8.5 by 8.5 inch paper
Scissors (modifications only)
Step 2 : Make The Paper Square
Fold the paper's corner to the other side of the sheet. Then below this, fold the paper up along the bottom of the fold. Then cut or tear the surplus paper off.
Step 3 : Fold The Paper Into Fourths
Make a half fold in your square piece of paper. Then fold them into the center again.
Step 4 : Corner Folding
Fold the corners into the fourth lines. Then flip, and pull into the center.
Step 5 : Canard Fold Preparation
Turn over from its previous postion and pull the nose's tip down to the rear of the paper. Then turn the paper over and pull the top corners into the center.
Step 6 : Canard Folding
From its postition on the last step, the paper airplane should now have the opposite side facing up. From there, pull the folds open and then flatten them. After that, flip it back so the other side is now facng up. Fold the small triangular section of paper into the canard flap.
Step 7 : Fold The Wings
Fold the aircraft in half along the center from it's previous position. Then fold the wings down about 1 inch above the center. Repeat on the other side.
Step 8 : Fold The Winglets And Secondary Wings
First, fold the wingtips into the quarter folds. Then at the same quarter folds fold the wing section up at a 90 degree angle.
Step 9 : Tape Your Charger
Beginning the final step, it is time to tape your aircraft up. Tape the front and back together (with an overcrossing piece of tape over the wing root near the trailing edge). Then tape the bottom's various parts down with one piece of tape under the wings.
Last Step : Flight
To fly the Charger, simply give it a nice throw. Perfecting the throw is critical as this plane is rather finicky at launch. After a good launch, the Charger will fly in an excellent, graceful straight line. Or with different settings, dart into a unique and thrill-filled stunt session.
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