Intro : how to make a pen gun
This instructable will show you how to make a speargun out of a regular clicking pen...very powerful,effective,and fun!
The best uses for this pen gun would be to make loud noises in class by shooting it at a filing cabinet, as well as shooting the insides of the pen into the textured ceilings that are very common in schools and offices. WARNING:DO NOT FIRE THIS AT PEOPLE, IT IS VERY POWERFUL!
First Step :
You will need:
(1)click pen(nothing fancy)
(1)thick rubber band
(1)rubberband(thin or thick, it doesn't matter)
scissors or wire cutters
FIRST: Dismantle the click pen.Make sure you take off both ends,so just the plastic tube is left... that is your barrel.
(1)click pen(nothing fancy)
(1)thick rubber band
(1)rubberband(thin or thick, it doesn't matter)
scissors or wire cutters
FIRST: Dismantle the click pen.Make sure you take off both ends,so just the plastic tube is left... that is your barrel.
Step 2 : Take the pen apart
FIRST: Dismantle the click pen.Make sure you take off both ends,so just the plastic tube is left... that is your barrel.
Step 3 : break the rubber band
break the thick rubber band so it looks like this:
Step 4 : attaching the rubber band to the tube
put the rubber band around the pen like this:
Step 5 : attaching the rubber band to the tube...continued
Now use the other rubber band to secure the thicker rubber band to the tube. wrap the smaller rubber band around it and keep twisting and wrapping(like a ponytail)
Step 6 :
cut the excess rubber band with the scissors or wirecutters:
Last Step : finishing
Take the inner ink container(cylindrical shape),and put it in your new pen gun.You are ready to shoot!pull the rubber band and the end of the ink container back and let go to fire.
Have fun and BE CAREFUL!
Have fun and BE CAREFUL!
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