Intro : Home-made potato gun
How to make a potato gun with easy to get materials (just fires a small piece of potato, not a whole one)
First Step : Materials
You will need:
- A syringe
- A small, hollow metal tube (one can be found in a Staples RE-VU pen)
- A potato
- A 3cm piece of chopstick or wood of a similar size
- A pair of hands
- Scissors
- Electrical tape
- A syringe
- A small, hollow metal tube (one can be found in a Staples RE-VU pen)
- A potato
- A 3cm piece of chopstick or wood of a similar size
- A pair of hands
- Scissors
- Electrical tape
Step 2 : Attaching the barrel to the syringe
Use electrical tape to firmly attach the metal tube to the part of the syringe that sprays whatever is in the syringe. You will probably need to put lots of tape on to make sure you have a proper seal.
Step 3 : Strenthen the barrel
Attach the piece of chopstick to the end of the syringe and the metal tube. Make sure to use enough tape so that is very strong. p.s. in the image part of the chopstick is exposed. Make sure to wrap tape on the whole chopstick piece.
Last Step : Shoot your potato gun
Pull the plunger of the syringe to maximum length without disconnecting the two pieces. Hold the barrel about a cm away from the open end. Stab the end into the potato a cm deep. Twist the barrel inside the potato so that the piece breaks off. Pull the barrel out of the potato and point at whatever you want to shoot at. Push the plunger down very quickly and dont stop until it reaches the end. The air pressure will force the piece of potato out at a very high speed and make a satifying *CRACKK*.
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